How to Be Happy (Truly)

“Happiness is a choice” - said every self-help guru ever.


Is there merit to this ever so prevalent claim? Let’s explore.

One of the reasons so many people are unhappy is because we, as humans, look at everything as relative. 

We can only be happy with our car if it is better and shinier than theirs.

We can only enjoy our piece of cake if it’s bigger than theirs.

We can only love our new job if it pays more than theirs.

Consider this study done on young children. Each child was sat down separately and was given an envelope with a $20 bill in it. When asked if they were happy with their envelope,  they replied: “I don’t know, it depends on what is in the other envelope.” The children were told the other envelope only had $5 and their faces lit up! But when they were told there was a mistake and the other envelope actually had $100 their faces instantly dropped.

Instead of being grateful and content with what they had, its worth became relative to the external variables.

When we allow the world around us to dictate how we feel, we will never be happy.

If we choose to see the happiness in each moment, our lives would become better within a split second.

Happiness is a choice.

No one said it was easy, they just said it was a choice. Like anything hard in life, it requires constant practice. 

Can you start to sit and be grateful for the food in front of you?

Can you find the beauty in your imperfect skin?

Can you find the joy your baby brings in the most exhausting moments of their tireless crying?

Challenge yourself to shift the way you look at things, and watch how the things around you begin to change.


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