“We offer our blessings and confidence in support of the MMTCP graduates of our worldwide teacher training. We honor the quality of what they have to offer, and the healing and awakening that these teachings and practices bring to our world.”

--With Metta, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach

“We offer our blessings and confidence in support of the MMTCP graduates of our worldwide teacher training. We honor the quality of what they have to offer, and the healing and awakening that these teachings and practices bring to our world.”

--With Metta, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach


I first became aware of deep disconnection with myself when I woke up one day and couldn’t hear ANYTHING from my right ear.

Even though I’d been leading a typically “healthy” lifestyle — working out, eating well, following the 80/20 rule — I was shocked to find that my body was suddenly in a constant state of fear, essentially drowning underwater.

I was determined to find a good reason for why this happened --

But doctor after doctor told me that I was the picture of perfect health, apart from…

Stress! Stress. Stress??

It turns out that while I was checking off all these tangible boxes, I was missing a big crucial piece: I wasn’t paying attention to my thoughts, emotions, or how they made me feel AND how they made my body feel.

I was moving through life on autopilot, and confident without any clarity. 

There was a major disconnect. 

I was compartmentalizing my physical body while ignoring my mind and spirit… And when this happens, stress tries to manifest itself in a physical symptom that you *can’t* ignore.

That was the wake-up call I needed to realize that at any moment, I could be out of commission for weeks with young kids in tow.

(With no family around, having moved between multiple countries — oh there you are, stress!)

And I decided that THAT would never be an option. 

So I started doing the deeper work to be aware of my whole self to identify my stressors.

It took time and effort. 

Not the kind you put into a million Pilates classes or tons of healthy green salads.

But deep silence within myself to see my own abilities, recognize how I wanted to live my life, and be truly fulfilled in *all* parts of it.

Through that process, I developed a different sense of self, a new kind of confidence. And that inspired me to go back to school and earn my master’s (that I always wanted) and get onto the path of doing work that doesn’t feel like work, but more of a purpose.

What truly opened my eyes, was sitting with them closed, regularly, daily. 

Meditation helped me realize that I wanted to grow in a deeper way and make some difference, even if it was for one person. 

Through some research, I arrived at the masters in health and wellness coaching--it was a perfect fit. And I found one of the few universities that offered an amazing holistic approach, applied, and voila. 

It was exhilarating to learn all this. There was no looking back. When something feels right, every cell in your body knows it. 

That was how I felt about meditation too. It was a powerful practice that was crucial for me in addressing my own stress and health. 

So why stop at the masters? I thought. I wanted to take a deep dive into this. 

Again, I found a wonderful program with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach to become a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. And once I experienced the benefits, I wanted to share them with the world. 

Today, I feel so lucky to integrate these tools together to help other women. Witnessing the process of someone peeling back their layers, getting into their deeper self, is so rewarding. 

Yes, there will ALWAYS be challenges and stress as we navigate life as mothers…

But when we become more deeply aware of our bodies and our capacity for compassion, we evolve into more confident versions of ourselves that our kids can learn from, too.

That’s why I feel so called to support you in coming home to yourself, finding your center, and learning how to build resilience to stress from the inside out.

Together, we can connect you back to yourself *and* your joy.

Lead The Way To Self-Love For Your Children… Starting With You.

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Tell me if any of these scenarios increase your heart rate… 

One high fever.

One meltdown in the grocery store.

Two days of exhaustion and sleepless nights.

Ooof. My pulse is racing just thinking about it.

I know you’ve experienced all of the above… And way more.

Sometimes, being a mother feels like one pudding cup away from going completely bananas with overwhelm, right?

And that TV show you tried to watch to destress? Welp, you fell asleep within 10 minutes.

You can’t manage to create space for yourself because you’re running around fixing everything and being everything to everyone…

But my question to you is… who is listening, loving, attending to, or asking about YOU?

If you want to stop feeling exhausted and frustrated and show up for your kids and your partner fully, then you have to be true to who you are and nurture yourself deeply.

Because as mothers, we not only want our children to be happy and healthy, but we want their world, people around them, to be the same. 

I believe raising loving, kind, compassionate children starts with us. We each play a part because we are all connected. 

In the same vein, we, our body, mind, spirit, are connected. 

But when we separate them? We are at dis-ease with ourselves, which is all too common the second we bring a new human into the world.

Oh, and that new human?

They’re SO intuitive. They’ll pick up on *every* little thing you do… 

… And trust me, they won’t care if you’re perfect. 

BUT if you want them to be honest, real, and kind — that’s ALL you need to show them.

You might be thinking: “Well that’s simple enough to say Hina, but a whole other thing to DO…”

To which I would say:

I believe you are whole and completely capable of making space for you to know and bring out your deeper self.

With a willingness to get clear on who you really are, your purpose, and your values — and make space to practice self-care, you *can* learn to find more ease within and live with more lightness and confidence.

My method integrates 3 essential pieces of the puzzle in order to help you live and parent with intention: Awareness, Compassion, and Connection.